Dalmally Agricultural Show


Entry Fees

Cattle and sheep entry fees (per exhibit) £2, Poultry £1, All other entries 50p. Raffle books £5. Payment to the entry secretary or treasurer please before show day by cheque made payable to: ‘Dalmally Agricultural Society’ or direct bank transfer to account no 00113316, sort code 80-17-99, (you must put your full name as a reference with your transfer).


  • The Society shall be known as the Dalmally Agricultural Society.
  • Competitors will lodge their entries in writing with the Entry Secretary by the 15th August. Late entries will be accepted but will incur a £5 per exhibitor late entry fee.
  • All animals competing in the Show must be the bona fide property of the exhibitor for at least 3 months prior to the Show.
    • a. To enter the confined Cattle & Blackface sections, animals must also be in the possession of, on farm, for at least 3 months prior to the Show.
  • All vegetables must have been grown by the exhibitor, all baking, knitting, produce, jams, sticks etc. must be the work of the exhibitor and not exhibited previously at Dalmally Show.
  • Only amateurs will be allowed to compete in all sections other than livestock sections.
  • Riggs or chasers are not eligible.
  • No animal can be exhibited for a special prize which has not been shown in its class.
  • All bulls and pedigree cattle are to be led.
  • Only one person allowed in judging ring with cattle.
  • All exhibits must be placed in the show yard by 9.30am, except dog show entries which are entered on the day before 1pm. The committee will be in attendance from 8.30am to receive and place exhibits. EXHIBITS MUST NOT BE REMOVED BEFORE 4PM unless special permission has been obtained from the relevant steward. All non-livestock exhibits must be removed by 5pm.
  • The Society will not be liable in any claim for loss or damage arising from accidents or otherwise at or in connection with the show.

A complete rules list is available in the Schedule.

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